Nayla – Multi-Concept Creative Portfolio Theme
We have shared here a 100% GPL License Theme so you can use this Theme on your website or your client’s website without worry. The shared Theme is not Theme nulled or cracked Theme. You can download
In version v1.7.0, there are new features on
Version: v1.7.0
There are new features on
Project transitions at mobile devices are adjusted.
Page loader mobile view adjustments.
Page transitions mobile view adjustments.
Plugin bulk install PHP error fixed.
Default widget PHP errors fixed.
Showcase Table responsive design rebuilded.
Showcase Fullscreen Carousel mobile design adjusted.
Showcase Carousel mobile design adjusted.
Showcase Wall mobile user experience improved.
Showcase List mobile user experience improved.
Minimal List mobile user experience improved.
Major UI/UX Improvements.
Mobile design adjustments.
Smooth scroll animate background conflict fixed.
Project headers mobile views adjusted.
Responsive design adjustments.
Minor bu